Adnan Oktar's cat honey biscuit


Nabeel was watching television after returning home from school one day. There was a documentary program on one channel. Nabeel enjoyed watching documentaries about animals he had never seen in real life. This time the program was about seals. Nabeel sat forward and began watching with interest.
But suddenly he felt cold. He looked round and realized that he was now inside the TV picture. Right beside him was the seal he had just seen on the screen!
"Hello!" he said, shivering a little, to the seal. "It's very cold here, don't you feel it?"
"You must be new here!" answered the seal. "It's always cold. It's 23 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 5 degrees Celsius) at its warmest, even in spring. That suits me just fine because we seals love the cold. We never feel it. How come? Because of our fur, this wonderful coat that Allah has given us! Of course the fat in our bodies also helps protect us against the cold."
"Is that your mother over there?" Nabeel pointed to a much larger seal some distance away. "I think she's looking for you. Call her and let her know where you are if you like..."
The seal went on: "We seals live in big herds and, yes, we look very much like one another. But our mothers never confuse us with any other seal. This is an ability that Allah has given them. As soon as her baby is born, the mother gives him a welcome kiss. Because of this kiss, she recognizes his smell and never gets him mixed up with any other baby. This is one of Allah's countless blessings He has given us. We are grateful to our Almighty Lord because He gave our mothers this ability to recognize us amongst the crowds we live in."
Nabeel had something else he wanted to ask: "I remember reading that you spend most of your time in the water. So how did you learn to swim?"
His new friend explained: "Allah created all of us according to the conditions we live in and made us ready for them. Just as He created the camel according to the conditions of the desert, He created us according to these cold conditions. It is Allah's will that when we are born our bodies have a layer of fat called baby fat. Our little bodies stay warm thanks to this fat. And because the fat layer is lighter than water it acts as a kind of lifebelt when our mothers are teaching us to swim. After two weeks of swimming lessons we become really great swimmers and divers."
"So, Allah created a special lifebelt inside your bodies for you so you can learn to swim! How wonderful!"
"That's right," said the little seal. "Every living thing He created so perfectly is a proof that Allah has power over everything."
Just at that moment Nabeel was awakened by a warm kiss on the cheek from his mother. The documentary on the television was still going on. Nabeel remembered the dream he had just had and smiled at the little seal on the screen.
... If you tried to number Allah's blessings, you could never count them... (Surah Ibrahim: 34)
Among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and all the creatures... (Surat ash-Shura: 29)
The waters of the ocean are very cold, especially in the depths. For this reason Allah created seals, which live in cold water, with a thick layer of fat beneath their skin. This layer prevents the seals from losing their body heat quickly. Another interesting thing about seals is that the females produce the richest, the most nourishing milk known in nature. This milk makes the babies they raise under difficult conditions grow very quickly.

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Adnan Oktar's cat, brother of honey biscuit: caramel biscuit

Animals that travel

There are many migratory animals in nature: Birds, butterflies, turtles, salmon and eels are only a few of them. The distances these animals travel during migration is expressed in thousands, even in tens of thousands of kilometers. Do you know how does the new generation of Monarchs that has never before gone on a migratory flight know the way? The migration story of Monarch butterflies and the wondrous journey of the salmon will fascinate you!

Animals that can hide

Allah has created all animate beings with features that differ according to the environment in which they live. Every living thing uses these features to protect itself or to hunt. Some conceal themselves with expert techniques of hiding themselves or in another name camouflage. Some turn to mimicry and others employ different intelligent tactics.You will see some fascinating animal features in this film, and will watch examples of the art of Allah's creation in nature.

A journey in the world of animals

We know that we, and all other living beings, are created by God. Furthermore, God meets all the needs of all the beings. Thanks to His infinite mercy and compassion, we live in this world in peace and happiness. So now let’s examine some animals and their life cycles. There are countless miracles in the world of animals.

A voyage through the universe

The huge void containing our Earth, the Sun that warms us, and the Moon and the stars that twinkle in the night sky, is known as the universe. But how big is it? You may think that the area from one end of the city you live in, to the other end, is very large. Some of you may have traveled from one end to the other of your country and you have seen how big it is. Some of you may even have traveled to far-off countries. But, do not forget… Even if you have gone all around the world, the distances involved are still nothing compared to the vastness of the universe. The space occupied by the Earth in the universe is no bigger than a grain of sand!

Let's get to know our Prophets

Prophets have called people, in the societies where they have been sent, to worship God. They have told the people that they will be punished if they do not worship Him.

With their superior, moral characteristics, prophets have been examples to people because of their closeness to God and carefully-considered behavior.

Now, let’s get to know some of these prophets; let’s see what they have said to their peoples and find out about the things they did which we can use as examples.

Knowing our lord

Who created you? Who gave you your hair and your eyes their color? Who said how tall you would be and what color your skin would be? And, Who created your mother, your father and your friends? Who created mountains, trees, the sea, the Sun, and the Moon? Who created cats and dogs, squirrels, giraffes, and the other creatures?

Most of you will all answer these questions in the same way: “God created us and everything else.” Of course, this is the right answer! So, how well do you know Almighty God, the Creator of us and the whole universe? God has revealed Himself to us in the Qu’ran. In this film, we will get to know God through the verses of the Qu’ran and try to get closer to Him.

Life in the seas

The schools we study in, the parks where we play, the air we breathe, the sky above, the mountains with peaks, the rivers with rushing waters are all things of our world. Other entities, apart from us, also live on the Earth. Birds, zebras, elephants, giraffes, cats… Trees, flowers, fruits, vegetables… Yet, there is also another world that these plants and animals, including us, cannot live in!

God has created them in an ideal form to live in the seas and oceans. There are entities also here. Let us now take a short trip and get to know some of the creatures that live in the sea.

Mother's love and solidarity

Once you were all cute little kids. Your mother and your father looked after you very well and protected you from every danger. You grew up. The cute little animals you see are still babies… They need to be fed and protected. Their parents will protect them from danger, feed them, and make big sacrifices for them. Come on, let’s see together the sacrifices that animals make for their young and the solidarity and care they have for one another.

Our cute friends

Dear Children! In this film, we will watch penguins displaying self-sacrifice for their young and cute beavers building wonderful dams and lodges. Throughout the film, we will see these creatures, as well as ourselves, are created by God. All beauties and living beings in nature demonstrate to us God’s greatness. What we should do is to remember His existence all the time and be thankful to Him for all the blessings He has given us.

The blessings around us

The fact of creation

Don’t forget that when we look at a beautiful painting, we must praise not the painting itself but the artist who made it. In the face of the wondrous creation in the world of nature, we must praise the Creator Who made it all and revealed it to us. Every creature on earth is a proof of His power and creative artistry. Without a doubt it is Almighty God Who created us, loves us and gives us all our many blessings.